Letter to Dr. Judy Mikovits
December 01, 2020 Dear Dr. Judy, I heard from you on may this year, in an interview to you performed by Mikki Willis. That interview stunned me a lot. There are many contents on the news but only a few of them are really extraordinary, and that interview was one of them. Indeed I tried to download it but it was hosted in Facebook and that platform didn't allow to download it, or at least I was no able to do. So I figured out how to record permanently that material, so I finally could do it by performing screen recording, for which I had to download previously some suited recording screen program into my laptop. Any way. I felt compelled to buy your book ( Plague of Corruption ) and read it despite I'm not fluent enough in English. I dedicated a lot of time to read your book, not only due to language interpretation duties but mostly because I spent time to collate the information supplied, link elements, compare data and go deeper into many items. It must be said: it's ...